Idea Factory

Brainstorm and notes

Text box


Gillian Wearing

English photographer and video artist. Wearing has described her working method as 'editing life'. By using photography and video to record the confessions of ordinary people, her work explores the disparities between public and private life, between individual and collective experience.


Signs that Say What You Want Them to Say and Not Signs that Say What Someone Else Wants You to Say (1992?3)

From Gillian Wearing by Daniel F. Herrmann and Doris Krystof



Trauma (2000)/ Confess All On  Video. Don't worry. You Will Be In Disguise. Intrigued? Call Gillian... (1994)

From Gillian Wearing by Daniel F. Herrmann and Doris Krystof


While people stay in a group, we tend to have a certain role and a 'reasonable' appearance.  Yet with masks and wigs, the ordinary people from the interview had the courage (maybe the only time in their life) to tell the deepest personal experience about sex, crimes, fetish, even trauma from devastated memories. 

''I wouldn't want people to pre-judge me... I don't actually lie, but I don't give the whole truth...''

''I suppose I learnt to keep a secret then, and I still have to keep this secret. I don't know how long it will bother me...''

The quotes are from a mother that stabbed her husband when she was suffering under his violence abuse (at a regular basis). Wearing use photography and filming in a documentary style to explode the 'ugly' truth of humanity and life. She leaves the audience a question- if we should live the way we want as much as we can, or hide under the cover when the truth might scare people away?... 

Ink is a liquid that is used to colour a surface to produce an image, text, or design.

-Pigments -Printing

-Dyes -Tattooing


 Utagawa Kuniyoshi



From Tattoo by Anne&Julien, Sébastien Galliot

Tattooing was marks for prisoners.



From Tattoo by Anne&Julien, Sébastien Galliot

Wood is a porous and fibrous structural tissue found in the stems and roots of trees, and other woody plants. It has been used for thousands of years for both fuel and as a construction material. It is an organic material, a natural composite of cellulose fibres (which are strong in tension) embedded in a matrix of lignin which resists compression.


-housing e.g.floors, stairs

-instrument e.g.violin




Andy Goldsworthy


From Wood by Andy Goldsworthy


''It's not about art. It's just about life and the need to understand that a lot of things in life do not last.''

I found the way how Goldsworthy explains his concept about nature involving nature materials quite inspiring. Goldsworthy creates his work out of not only wood, but also ice, rock, mud. As the landscape or the status of the materials change, he then records his ephemeral arts in form of photographic documentary.  

''What has been down from nature will sooner or later merge with it again.''


Bonsoir Paris